
From PanoZona




Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: SaladoPlayer (root)
debug B - true true, false Determines if panorama is running in debug mode. When set to true configuration content is verified and validated. This also couses trace window to be displayed. Setting debug to true is highly recommended during process of writing configuration.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: global
firstPanorama S - - panorama id Id of first panorama loaded at SaladoPlayer start. If it is not set, SaladoPlayer loads first panorama in panoramas node.
firstOnEnter S - - action id Action executed on entering first panorama.
firstOnTransitionEnd S - - action id Action executed on entering transition effect finished in first panorama.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute Type DefaultValuesDescription
Parent: global
autorotation O enabled B true true, false Setting this value to false disables autorotation entirely.
delay N 60 - How much time in seconds must pass after camera stopped moving before autortoation is started.
mode S speed speed, frameIncrement Autorotation mode. When is set to "speed" it uses speed value, when set to "frameIncrement" it uses frameIncrement value.
speed N 3 - Autorotation speed in degrees per second.
frameIncrement N 0.0333 - Autorotation speed in degrees per frame.
isAutorotating B false true, false If set to true forces autorotation in first panorama without waiting for timer.
transition O time N 3.5 - Determines how long transition effect lasts.
property S alpha alpha, positionX, positionY, rotationX, rotationY, scaleX, scaleY Determines which DisplayObject attribute is changed in transistion.
startValue N 0 - DisplayObject attribute value on start of transition.
endValue N 1 - DisplayObject attribute value on end of transition.
tween F Linear.easeNone avaible functions Function used by transition effect.
keyboard O enabled B true true, false Determines if SaladoPlayer interprets keyboard input for camera movement. If set to false also disables buttons in ButtonBar module.
sensitivity N 0.5 - Determines how fast camera gains speed after button is pressed.
friction N 0.25 - Determines how fast camera stops movig after key is released.
directionSpeed N 3 - Determines camera speed movement limit.
zoomSpeed N 2 - Determines camera zooming speed limit.
mouseInertial O enabled B true true, false Determines if SaladoPlayer interprets inertial mouse input for camera movement.
sensitivity N 0.15 - Determines how fast camera gains speed after mouse is pressed and moved.
friction N 0.18 - Determines how fast camera stops after mouse button is released.
threshold N 0.0001 - Determines at what value camera stops decelerating. The lower the value, the smoother is camera movement on deceleration end.
mouseDrag O enabled B false true, false Determines if SaladoPlayer interprets drag mouse input for camera movement.
mouseScroll O enabled B true true, false Determines if SaladoPlayer interprets mouse scroll input for camera movement.
sensitivity N 0.75 - Determines how fast camera gains speed after mouse scroll is well, scrolled.
friction N 0.25 - Determines how fast camera stops after mouse scroll.
threshold N 0.0001 - Determines at what value camera stops decelerating. The lower the value, the smoother is camera movement on deceleration end.
zoomAtCursor B true true, false Determines if camera zooms at current cursor position.
mouseWheelTrap B - false true, false Fix for flashplayer mouse wheel bug, where moving mouse scroll over flash object scrolls entire webpage as well.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: global
open B - false true, false If set to true, trace window is opened on SaladoPlayer start.
lineLimit N - 50 - Number of lines displayed in trace window. After number of lines exceeds this value, first lines will be removed.
size O width N 400 - Determines width of trace window.
height N 100 - Determines height of trace window.
align O horizontal S right left, center, right Horizontal alignment of element against panorama window.
vertical S top top, middle, bottom Vertical alignment of element against panorama window.
move O horizontal N 0 - Number of pixels element is moved horizontally.
vertical N 0 - Number of pixels element is moved vertically.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: global
visible B - true true, false If set to true, branding button is visible. Show suport, do not hide branding!
alpha N - 0.5 0.0 to 1.0 Determines transparency of branding button.
align O horizontal S left left, center, right Horizontal alignment of element against panorama window.
vertical S bottom top, middle, bottom Vertical alignment of element against panorama window.
move O horizontal N 3 - Determines how many pixels element is moved horizontally.
vertical N 0 - Determines how many pixels element is moved vertically.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: global
visible B - false true, false If set to true, stats window is visible.
align O horizontal S left left, center, right Horizontal alignment of element against panorama window.
vertical S top top, middle, bottom Vertical alignment of element against panorama window.
move O horizontal N 0 - Determines how many pixels element is moved horizontally.
vertical N 0 - Determines how many pixels element is moved vertically.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: panoramas
id S - - - Mandatory attribute. Must be unique among other panoramas.
path S - - path to xml file Mandatory attribute. Value points to xml file describing front deep zoom cube. For instance: panoramas/panorama/panorama_f.xml
view O pan N 0 -180 to 180 Initial camera pan. When set to NaN pan will be set to 0 in first panorama, and if panorama is loaded after another one it will keep its previous value, optionally altered with value of panorama direction attribute.
tilt N 0 -90 to 90 Initial camera tilt. When set to NaN tilt will be set to 0 in first panorama, and if panorama is loaded after another one it will keep its previous value.
fov N 100 0.1 to 179.9 Initial camera field of view. When set to NaN field of view will be set to 90 in first panorama, and if panorama is loaded after another one it will keep its previous value.
maxPan N NaN -180 to 180 Camera pan upper limit. When set to NaN, pan limit won't be applied. It is overwritten by maxHorizontalFov.
minPan N NaN -180 to 180 Camera pan lower limit. When set to NaN, pan limit won't be applied. It is overwritten by minHorizontalFov.
maxTilt N NaN -90 to 90 Camera tilt upper limit. When set to NaN, tilt limit won't be applied. It is overwritten by maxVerticalFov.
minTilt N NaN -90 to 90 Camera tilt lower limit. When set to NaN, tilt limit won't be applied. It is overwritten by minVerticalFov.
maxFov N 110 0.1 to 179.9 Camera field of view upper limit. Determines how much panorama can zoom out. It is overwritten by maxVerticalFov and minVerticalFov.
minFov N 30 0.1 to 179.9 Camera field of view lower limit. Determines how much panorama can zoom in. It is overwritten by maxPixelZoom
maxHorizontalFov N NaN -180 to 0 Camera horizontal field of view upper limit. If set, overwrites maxPan and adjusts its value on panorama window resize.
minHorizontalFov N NaN 0 to 180 Camera horizontal field of view lower limit. If set, overwrites minPan and adjusts its value on panorama window resize.
maxVerticalFov N NaN 0 to 90 Camera vertical field of view upper limit. If set, overwrites maxTilt and maxFov and adjusts their values on panorama window resize.
minVerticalFov N NaN -90 to 0 Camera vertical field of view lower limit. If set, overwrites minTilt and adjusts its value on panorama window resize.
boundsWidth N NaN - Panorama window width.
boundsHeight N NaN - Panorama window height.
tierThreshold N 1 - Makes impact on loaded Deep Zoom level. Increasing this value will cause loading lower level (with lower resolution) for given field of view.
maxPixelZoom N 0.75 - Determines how big one pixel is max shown on the screen, thus determines the possible zoom level. Higher values results in deeper zoom.
direction N - 0 0 to 360 Value expreses geographical shooting direction of panorama image. For Instance: 0 is North, 90 is East, 180 is South 270 is West. It is used to adjust camera pan when switching between panoramas.
onEnter S - - action id Determines what action to execute when entering panorama.
onTransitionEnd S - - action id Determines what action to execute when after entering panorama transition effect has finished.
onLeave S - - action id Determines what action to execute when leaving panorama.
onEnterFrom O panorama id S - action id This attribute can contain many pairs panorama id to action id. Value determines what action to execute when entering panorama from previous panorama of given id.
onTransitionEndFrom O panorama id S - action id This attribute can contain many pairs panorama id to action id. Same as onEnterFrom, but action is executed when tranision effect has finished.
onLeaveTo O panorama id S - action id This attribute can contain many pairs panorama id to action id. Value determines what action to execute when leaving to panorama of given id.
onLeaveToAttempt O panorama id S - action id This attribute can contain many pairs panorama id to action id. Same as onLeaveTo, but prevents first attempt of loading new panorama and executes action instead.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: panorama
id S - - - Mandatory attribute. Must be unique among other hotspots in all panoramas.
path S - - path to image Mandatory attribute. Points to hotspot image. Allowed formats are *.jpg, *.gif and *.png
location O pan N 0 -180 to 180 Position of hotspot described by pan of camera.
tilt N 0 -90 to 90 Position of hotspot described by tilt of camera.
distance N 400 - Position of hotspot described by distance away from camera.
target S - - panorama id When set, clicking on hotspot loads given panorama. Can be used as shortcut for setting mouse event and adding action.
mouse O onClick S - action id Determines what action will be executed when user clicks on hotspot.
onOver S - action id Determines what action will be executed when user moves cursor over hotspot.
onOut S - action id Determines what action will be executed when user moves cursor out of hotspot.
onPress S - action id Determines what action will be executed when user presses mouse button when over hotspot.
onRelease S - action id Determines what action will be executed when user releases mouse button when over hotspot.
handCursor B - true true, false Determines if mouse cursor changes when over hotspot.
transform O scaleX N 1 - Determines hotspot scale along X axis.
scaleY N 1 - Determines hotspot scale along Y axis.
scaleZ N 1 - Determines hotspot scale along Z axis.
rotationX N 0 - Determines how many degrees hotspot will be rotated rotatad along X axis.
rotationY N 0 - Determines how many degrees hotspot will be rotated rotatad along Y axis.
rotationZ N 0 - Determines how many degrees hotspot will be rotated rotatad along Z axis.
flat B true true, false Determines if image is distorted by perspective or, displayed as "flat" i.e. always facing viewer and does not changing its size.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: panorama
path S - - path to xml file Mandatory attribute. Points to swf file. Hypothetically you can point to any standalone swf file (like SaladoPlayer:Hotspots) and use it as hotspot. You can also create hotspots that can read and validate configuration as well as communicate and interact with SaladoPlayer.
id, location, target, mouse, handCursor, transformation - - - - See attributes in image.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: modules
path S - - - Mandatory attribute. Points to module swf file.


Attribute TypeSub-attribute TypeDefaultValuesDescription
Parent: actions
id S - - - Mandatory attribute. Must be unique among other actions.
content S - - - Mandatory attribute. Contains at least one function, many functions are separeted with semicolons.